Let's Grow Comics

Ep. 12 – Crops You Can Grow in the Apartment

Living in an apartment won’t be an obstacle in gardening. Apart from house plants, you can actually grow some crops there.

Crops You Can Grow in the Apartment
Hooray, the gift is wrapped!

Thank you, Ma… It’s pretty!

neomu gwiyeobda!
Other than house plants, what else can be grown in an apartment?

You can also grow herbs and veggies, Zahra...

Tomatoes and peppers, too!
Take The Size and Plant Types Into Account

Although there are several fruit trees that can be grown in pots, you need to pay attention to their size. And also, there are a lot of trees that are impossible to be grown in an apartment, like Durians or Jackfruits. Even if you can, you won’t get big fruits since they just have limited room to grow.

In addition, also determine what kind of plants you want to eat. If you like vegetable juices, you might as well grow Kale and Spinach instead of Pepper.
Herbs and Spices

Some herbs and spices can be grown in the apartment for you to consume. For example Mint, Basil / Basil, Chives Leaves, Parsley, Rosemary and Thyme. You can just grow them in small pots, indoors.

Their size may indeed not be as big as if grown in the garden. And because it is grown to be consumed, it is very likely that you will have to replace old plants with new ones often, because they can run out pretty quickly.
Leafy Greens

This type of plant is easy to grow in an apartment, whether it uses soil (organic) or water (hydroponic/aquaponic) as a medium. They can also grow quite quickly. If you are disciplined in scheduling the cropping cycle, you can harvest vegetables at least 2 times a week!

And if you want to harvest faster, you can try microgreens that can be grown in just a week, so you can harvest every day! Microgreens are also rich in nutrients that are good for the body.
Short-lived Fruit Trees

Tomatoes and peppers are two types of plants that are often grown on apartment balconies because they are very popular. Especially for Tomatoes, you can choose the type that doesn't propagate / determinate / patio.

Strawberries can also be grown on the balcony of the apartment. There are types of strawberries that can be grown in the lowlands and produce fruit that is quite sweet, as long as their need for water and sufficient light can be met.
Wow, there are so many plants people can grow in their apartment, right?

Uhum, that’s right!

The principle is just the same as if you grow in a small space, Ra. Let's talk about it other time, okay?
It's almost 5 PM! Shouldn’t we go to Oliver's apartment now?

Let’s gooo, use Alfa’s car!

Buy me gas, ‘kay?!

Do you have questions about gardening in your apartment?

Write them down in the comment section!

(waving hands)